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The Company



Our mission is public-minded enough to be a non-profit organization (NPO).  In fact, many Planetary Defense Organizations are donation-based NPOs. However, we believe an enduring organization must have its own source of income.  We will generate income by mining the Moon, manufacturing spacecraft and machinery, and transporting them to cislunar orbits and deep space.  



Technology is the ultimate means of Guardian Angels project.  However, project feasibility is not only driven by technology.  We also consider money  as a technical variable when we make engineering decision.

80% of a life cycle cost of a project is determined during the design phase.  Identifying issues by experimenting with prototypes is a proven method for good design, but building prototypes can be costly as well.  If there are similar prior arts or principles of operations are well-studied, by thoroughly studying them, we are able to estimate the performance of prototype during the design.  Then build prototype to confirm the design and to find other unexpected issues.


We have built our prototype impulse engine with this philosophy with only about $10,000.  The prototype performed slightly better than the design estimate, and reached the exit velocity of 306 foot per second.    

Read more about our Design Philosophy.



Thomas Miyano is an active duty Lieutenant Commander in the United States Navy (Disclosure: This website does not represent the opinion of the United States Government).  He has commanded an Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Detachment (AIMD) comprised of 150 personnel operating in Western Pacific as Officer in Charge.  He has over 18 years of experience in research and prototype development, aerospace maintenance operation management, government acquisition, program management, and government contracting.  He received a Master of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering and a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering with Minor in Economics from the Ohio State University, and received a postgraduate education in Space Systems Operation from the Naval Postgraduate School.  



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