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Design Philosophy

How we conduct research and development

Design Excellence

Optimal performance, quality and cost effectiveness are built into our designs.  

The detailed requirements definition is the first, and most important part of the design process.  The outcome is the specification of the system, with the minimum acceptable and target performance.  All stakeholder must agree in writing with the specification, before we proceed with the design.  

Next, we will conduct a preliminary design, numerical modeling and analysis.  This will identify system parameter trade-offs and set project milestones.    

After preliminary design, system requirements, project schedule and milestones are set, we will design our prototype in detail with numerical modeling and simulation results.  Testing requirements and equipment needed are identified at this stage of development.

During our design phase, we maximize the use of commercially available components and subsystems for the following benefits:


- Greatly saves design time

- We have access to the latest technologies available at market for a reasonable price

- Modularized system is much easier to assemble and troubleshoot

Rapid Prototyping

Prototyping and testing are not a substitute for good design and analysis.  


We believe that if design is well-thought out and based on good modeling with validated data, we already know what our prototype will do before we start building it.

Prototyping and testing are to be used to confirm our designed performance.

Testing & Evaluations

Successful outcome is delivered by numerically validating the key system performance through tests.


Our test and evaluations process can be conducted using:


- Company owned test equipment

- Government test equipment

- Commercial Off-The Shelf (COTS) test equipment

- Modified COTS test equipment


We procure COTS test equipment which meets our calibration standard.  Also, if necessary, we enhance COTS test to meet our requirements.


See an example of modified COTS test set.  

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