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The research paper is now published online by Elsevier.  The hard copy is currently in press.  The research poster was also presented during the International Academy of Astronautics Planetary Defense Conference, May 15-19, 2017, in Tokyo, Japan.  

Technical demonstration prototype impulse engines have been built and tested.  The last test was conducted at Sonora Pass, California, and recorded the exhaust speed of 306 feet per second.

Video Clips

Introduction:  Guardian Angels Project (184 sec)
Why we need to have a plan
Changing the orbit of an asteroid (154 sec)
What it takes to move the rock
Launching 100 large interceptors at affordable cost (261 sec)
Spacecraft Engine with Iron as Fuel: Impulse Engine (51 sec)
Moon-base spacecraft needs Moon-based fuel
Measuring Speed of Bullets with a Chronograph  (28 sec)
How we ensure the effectiveness of prototype Impulse Engine
Collecting Iron From Sand (42 sec)
How we harvest iron on the Moon
Impulse Engine Tested at Sonora Pass (31 sec)
Testing prototype Impulse Engine at high altitude
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